Monday 23 February 2015

We always love pretty one, by muffintopless

Your body might not be where you want it to be right now, but hating it isn't going to help it! 🙅 Our bodies literally "hear" everything our minds tell it. Did you know that negative thinking can actually make you physically ill? 😷 Stressing about your body can increase the hormone cortisol, which can make it easier to store abdominal fat and harder to lose body fat in general. Next time you catch yourself tearing yourself apart for not having a "flat tummy" or "toned thighs", stop! ✋ Take a deep breath and remind yourself that no one is perfect. So what if you have some extra weight to lose? You can change that in a healthy way and without beating yourself up about it and without starving or overexercising! 😅 Think positive and be kind to yourself and your body! 💕 ,HOTinstapic update! February 18, 2015 at 11:45PM

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